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Developing Persistence to Support Long-Term Goals

Dec 31, 2024

Persistence is the quality of consistently pursuing a goal or task despite obstacles, difficulties, boredom, or setbacks. It involves determination, resilience, and a strong commitment to achieving a desired outcome, even when there is discomfort. Persistence is often seen as a key factor in overcoming challenges and achieving long-term success in various areas of life, including personal, academic, professional, and creative pursuits.


There are some key characteristics that persistent individuals possess.


What is important to note is that these characteristics are not fixed or innate. They can be developed and strengthened with some focus and attention. As you read through them, I encourage you to identify one or two that you can work to strengthen as a means of strengthening your overall persistence when you are pursuing your goals.


Resilience: Persistent individuals are able to bounce back from failures, setbacks, and disappointments. They view obstacles as temporary challenges rather than insurmountable roadblocks. To help build resilience, when you experience a setback or a failure, ask yourself what you can learn from it. Instead of seeing setbacks or failures as stopping points, use them as stepping stones so that when you try again, you are already further along. Remind yourself that taking action, even if it is not perfect action, is what will get you to your desired outcome and that learning and growing along the way is a valuable part of the process. 

Determination: Persistence is driven by a strong sense of purpose and a clear understanding of what you want to achieve. Determined individuals have a compelling reason to keep going, even when the going gets tough. As a human, you are wired to seek comfort and immediate gratification when possible, which can interfere with the pursuit of longer-term goals. When you are pursuing a goal, write down your specific goal as well as your reason for deciding to work toward it, being as specific as possible. Once you have it written down, read it a minimum of one time per day, allowing yourself to feel excited and energized by your goal. This will help you sustain momentum when you experience the inevitable challenges that come with pursuing a longer-term goal.


Patience: Persistence often requires patience because achieving something significant can take time. It's the willingness to work steadily and consistently toward your objective, even if progress seems slow. To increase your patience, be sure you have reasonable expectations about a timeline for your goal. In addition, celebrate the small wins along the way including the small, consistent actions you take, even if you are not yet seeing the results. Allow yourself to enjoy the journey, and not only the final destination.

Adaptability: Being adaptable is one of the biggest characteristics of success. While persistence involves a commitment to a goal, it also requires adaptability. Sometimes, you may need to change your approach or strategy in response to unexpected challenges or changing circumstances. If you experience an obstacle, take time and brainstorm all the things you can do to deal with what you are facing, instead of continuing to take the same actions that are not working, or that are no longer possible. Then pick the thing that seems like the next best step to take and get back into motion, making adjustments as you need to along the way.


Positive Mindset: Maintaining a positive and optimistic outlook can help you stay motivated and persistent. A belief in your ability to overcome challenges and achieve your goals is essential. Take time to reflect on things you have accomplished in the past, and remind yourself that you had to grow, learn, and in many circumstances, you had to push through some challenges to achieve your past accomplishments. The same is true for anything new you are trying to accomplish today or in the future. Believe in yourself by praising yourself for past achievements and by writing down a small win you experience each day (even if it feels unimportant to your bigger goal). In doing this, you will train your brain to move away from focusing only on negative things, which will result in more energy and motivation being generated to help you pursue your goal(s).

Resourcefulness: Persistent individuals are often resourceful and creative in finding solutions to problems. They are willing to seek help, gather information, and explore different avenues to reach their goals. Being resourceful goes hand-in-hand with adaptability. 


Self-Discipline: Persistence often requires self-discipline to stay on track, especially when faced with distraction, challenges or competing priorities. Developing good habits and routines can support your persistence. Identify when you can realistically devote time to pursuing your goal and block off that time as non-negotiable. Tell yourself that no matter what, you will keep your commitments to yourself, just as you keep them to other people in your life. Also, have habits that help you keep your head clear and your body energized. These habits may include getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, avoiding alcohol, exercising, and eating foods that fuel your body well.

Support Systems: Having a support network of friends, mentors, or colleagues who encourage and motivate you can boost your persistence. They can offer guidance, encouragement, and a sense of accountability. Having individuals who can offer encouraging words or suggestions when things are feeling challenging can help you keep your momentum. If you are looking for some additional tips, strategies, or encouragement, join my community where you will receive weekly emails from me that will help support you and cheer you on. You can join my community here.

Persistence is a valuable trait that supports personal growth and achievement. 


It is particularly important when pursuing longer-term goals, whether in education, career, relationships, health or personal development. By persistently working toward your objectives and remaining resilient in the face of challenges, you increase your chances of success and fulfillment. Remaining focused on your goals and why they are important to you, as well as consistently working to strengthen the characteristics that improve your ability to persist can make a big difference in the overall success you experience. You’ve got this!

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