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4 Strategies to Support Your Emotional Well-Being

Nov 09, 2022

Emotional well-being is just as important as physical well-being, however, it is often neglected until it becomes a significant concern. Your emotional well-being can impact how you feel on a daily basis, your outlook on life, your relationships, your career success, and the overall quality of your life. The goal in life should not be to “just get by”. The goal in life should be to thrive, feel joy, and to feel a sense of overall life satisfaction and fulfillment. 

The reality is that you will be faced with challenges in your life. When you are emotionally well, you are better able to respond to unexpected events in a way that does not make the situation worse.  You are also able to bounce back from adversity easier and faster. One way of taking care of your emotional well-being is to check in with yourself from time to time to assess how you are feeling, what you would like to experience more of, and what you would like to experience less of. 


Below are some questions you can journal about to help you identify the current state of your emotional well-being. If you don’t like your answer to any of the questions, there is a follow up process you can go through for each question to help support moving your emotional well-being in the direction you want it to go.


What are the emotions I experience most often? Are they emotions that feel good or that feel challenging?

If you did not like your answer to the question above, do the following:

  • Write down the emotions you do want to feel the most.
  • Next, write down all of the things that help you experience those emotions (the thoughts you have, the people you are around, the activities you engage in etc.).
  • Pick one thing you can do today that will move you closer to the emotions you want to experience more often. Start with something small such as creating a positive affirmation for yourself, reaching out to someone who supports you, or exercise to release some “feel good” chemicals in your brain. Once the one thing you start with becomes part of your regular routine, you can add onto it if you wish.

Am I able to focus or be present in the moment, or am I dwelling on the past or worrying about the future? How much time do you spend focused on what is happening here and now versus living in the past or the future?

If you did not like your answer to the question above, do the following:

  • Practice mindfulness meditation to help you strengthen your “focus” muscle so that you are able to remain present in the moment more often. There are many ways of practicing mindfulness meditation and even five minutes per day can make a big difference. You can grab my easy to do, 5 Minute Meditation process HERE.


Do I take time for myself on a regular basis? Consider how often you take time for yourself to do things that you want to do.

If you did not like your answer to the question above, do the following:

  • Commit to taking thirty minutes for yourself over the course of the next week. Schedule this time into your calendar just as you would any other important appointment, prioritize it, and make sure it happens no matter what. 


Do I have people in my life who support me and make me feel good? Do you have people in your life who inspire you and or encourage you or do you have people in your life who bring you down and discourage you from living the life you desire?

If you did not like your answer to the question above, do the following:

  • If you  have people in your life who do not make you feel good, can you remove them from your life completely? If so, you should. If not, how can you set up stronger boundaries with them or limit the amount of time you spend with them? 
  • If there are people in your life who do support you, make sure you are interacting with them regularly. 
  • If you don’t feel like you have people in your life who inspire or encourage you, try finding local organizations and online groups or communities where you can connect with others who are inspiring, positive, and supportive. You are welcome to check out my Live Your Best Boss Lady Life Facebook group HERE. 


Your emotional health matters and checking in on it periodically can make a difference. If you find you are struggling with your emotional well-being, you can also reach out for support from a coach or a therapist. These are professionals who are trained to support you in the same way a medical doctor is trained to support you with your physical health. 


Live your best boss lady life! 

~ Karen 

Karen Vincent Solutions 

If you are interested in information about how to manage unhelpful thinking patterns, you can grab my free 5 Common Thought Distortions Guide HERE. 

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