If you are like most people, you are interested in a lot of different things, but that does not necessarily mean you are committed to them. Maybe you want to consider a new career, starting a business, starting a new hobby, finding romance, improving your finances, organizing our home, or taking your health and fitness to the next level. When you are interested in something, you spend time thinking about it. This may generate feelings of excitement, curiosity, and maybe even a little fear or overwhelm.
Dreaming is one of my favorite things to do. For me, it creates feelings of excitement and energizes me. I can dream all day long, however, dreaming alone won’t get me anywhere. This is where commitment comes in. While being interested in something or dreaming about something requires thinking, commitment requires action. If you are truly committed to something, you will continue to pursue it, even when it gets hard, boring, frustrating, or inconvenient. If you are committed you are willing to push harder, further, and to try new things that are challenging or unfamiliar.
When pursuing something new, you don’t need to have it all figured out right away. Of course, it is good to have an idea of where you are headed, however, trying to figure out all the “how” can result in overthinking, procrastination, and ongoing interest without any action. Commitment means having a plan of action and continuing to take the next best step. This is different than being “busy”. You can be busy all day, every day and not be making progress towards your goal. This is because you may be choosing to do the things that feel easiest and most familiar instead of doing the things that will move you towards your goal. Staying comfortable and doing what is familiar is normal human behavior. Being aware that you may have a tendency to do this and consciously deciding to take action on the right things, even if they are not the easiest things, is what will get you to where you want to go.
One sure way to get you to question your commitment to something is to compare yourself to someone else. There will always be someone who is further along than you are. Instead of observing where someone else is as a way to beat yourself up and create negative self-talk, use where someone else is for inspiration of what is possible. Learn what you can from them, use them as inspiration, and then reaffirm your commitment to yourself to achieve what you are working towards.
When you are ready to take action on a dream or interest you have, use the following tips:
If you are like me, you will always have lots of interests, dreams, and things you want to pursue “someday”. Of those, there will be a small number you are willing to commit to and once you do, the more you manage your mindset, take the right actions, and remember why your goal is important to you, the more successful you will be. You’ve got this.
If you are interested in learning more about how to manage negative thinking patterns, you can grab my guide to 5 Common Thought Distortions HERE. I provide information about how your brain works, why it works this way, and specific strategies you can implement so that you manage your brain rather than having it manage you. You can grab this guide at no cost HERE.
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