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What is a Morning Routine and How Do You Build One?

Aug 23, 2023

It is likely that you have heard talk about the positive impact a morning routine can have on your life. I have many clients who talk about hearing about morning routines but who don’t really understand why they can be so important, or what their morning routine should include. The good news is that there is no “right way” or “wrong way” to do a morning routine and morning routines do not need to take a long time or be complicated.  


I think one of the biggest benefits of a morning routine is that it is an opportunity to intentionally start your day off in a way that feels good.

It allows you time to focus on yourself, and allows you to set the tone for your day. Like so many people, I have fallen victim to waking up in the morning and immediately picking up my phone and consuming text messages, emails, and social media. For me, and for many of my clients, the problem in doing this is that I was losing control of my day before it even started. I was almost immediately thinking about what other people were doing or what other people needed from me for the day and in doing this, I was putting myself on the back burner day after day. The other thing I have seen many clients struggle with is getting up late, or just in time to rush to get ready for the day. Rushing like this in the morning can result in starting your day feeling behind, anxious, or stressed out.


When you create a morning routine, you are telling yourself that you are worthy of self-care and that it is important for you to have time for yourself, before you allow others into your day. You are also intentionally taking time to nourish your mind, body, and spirit. I have made adjustments to my morning routine based on what I am prioritizing in my life and as I mentioned, there is not a “best way” to do a morning routine. What I do think matters the most is consistency. When you are consistent with a morning routine it becomes a habit that you will be more likely to prioritize each day. In addition, if there are others who live with you, they will be more likely to recognize and respect this time you have carved out for yourself as well.

There are lots of options of things to include in a morning routine depending on what feels most important to you. Below are many suggestions that you can incorporate into a morning routine. As is the case with any habit, it can be helpful to start with one or two things maximum and stick with those for a few weeks. You can then assess how you are feeling and eliminate something if it does not feel like it is working, or add on another item onto what you have already established.


Things you may want to consider adding into your morning routine:


  • Wake up earlier. You will need time to fit in your morning routine activities and may need to consider waking up earlier. If you can create a morning that does not feel rushed, you will be in a much better mental space starting your day.

  • Drink water. Many people wake up dehydrated after sleeping for 7-8 hours so having a cup of water in the bathroom that you can drink as soon as you wake up can help you feel better overall.


  • Practice mindfulness or meditation. Spending even 5-10 minutes in the morning focusing on the present moment, breathing deeply, or intentionally thinking about how you want to feel throughout the day can help get you in a good mental place as you are starting your day.


  • Exercise and/or stretch. Many people find that engaging in some form of physical activity in the morning helps boost their energy and confidence for the day.

  • Journal. There are many variations of journaling. Many people find that starting the day identifying something that they are grateful for has a positive impact on how they feel and on their life overall. Other people like to free flow journal, and allow whatever they are thinking about to be written on paper so that they can explore it on a deeper level and better understand themselves. Others use journaling as a way of reinforcing their future and their goals. There are many forms of journaling so you can experiment and see what feels best for you.


  • Plan and prioritize. It can be helpful to take a few minutes in the morning to review what you have to do, as well as what you want to do during the day. Doing this will allow you to prioritize and schedule the most important things so that you have a plan and some structure going into your day.

  • Connect. Taking a few moments to connect with someone in your home, or by reaching out to someone to check in and say hello can be a great way to start your day.


  • Read. Many highly successful people read for a brief period of time in the morning as part of their morning routine. This can be a good way of digesting information that feels valuable to you at the start of your day to be sure that you fit it into your schedule.

The possibilities for what you can do with your specific morning routine are endless, and as I mentioned, they can change over time as things in your life change. 


I encourage you to give it a try and see how it benefits you. In working with hundreds of people who either have morning routines, or who I have helped create morning routines, I have never heard anyone say they regret putting one in place.


Live your best life! 

~ Karen 

Karen Vincent Solutions 

If you are interested in information about how to manage unhelpful thinking patterns, you can grab my free 5 Common Thought Distortions Guide HERE. 

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